Unnatural History
of Foothill Yellow-Legged Frogs

Ryan Peek | 2023-05-09

Changed Landscapes

“We acted upon the western landscape with the force of a geological agent”
(Wallace Stegner)


  • Hydraulic mining removes 8x as much sediment as was excavated from Panama Canal
  • First used by Edward Matteson near Nevada City, California in 1853
  • Sawyer Decision in 1884, enjoined operation in tributaries to navigable waters.


  • 1893: small-scale mining recommences (Camminetti Act)
  • The legacy of ~40 years transformed the landscape permanently

Landscapes Transformed



Malakoff Diggins State Park

CA Mines

  • Legacy remains
  • Thousands of mines / tailings in CA
  • Active panning & sluicing in many rivers

And they persisted…

Failing Freshwaters

  • Half the world’s population lives within 20km of a permanent river (Small and Cohen 1999)
  • Projected mean extinction rates in freshwater organisms 5x greater than terrestrial (Ricciardi & Rasmussen 1999)

Dammed Rivers

  • Over 1,400 large dams (NID 2007)
  • CA hydropower is ~15% of energy supply (Hall 2006)
  • Residential energy demands expected to increase by 24% by 2035 (US EIA 2010)
  • Majority of dams are for irrigation (47%), water supply (23%), and hydroelectric (14%)

Flow modification

Major threat to freshwater biodiversity and is widespread in CA



No Alteration

Flow modification

Flow Seasonality

Species life histories are finely tuned to capitalize on specialized temporal niches associated with climatic variability (Chesson 2000, Chase 2011)

  • Seasonality is measure of occurrence of distinct within-year conditions or events

  • Predictability is the regularity of recurrence annually

Flow Regimes

Unregulated flow patterns have high seasonality & predictability

Regulated flow patterns disrupt predictability

Flow Predictability vs. Seasonality

Flow Predictability vs. Seasonality

Functional Flows Concept

  • idea that there are aspects of a flow regime that directly link to ecological, geomorphic, or biogeochemical processes in riverine systems

  • these in turn are foundational to supporting processes that sustain biological communities

And still…

Perils of Unpalatable Periphyton

  • Rock Snot” (Didymo) is spreading in rivers with flucuating flows and cold water releases (MFA, SFY)
  • impacts tadpole growth and survival
  • impacts egg deposition sites!

Didymo can limit oviposition surfaces!

Didymo periphyton limited tadpole growth

Drought & Harmful Algal B︎looms

Bouma-Gregson et al 2017
  • Climate change “whiplash” will ⬆ winter floods and drought periods, which can favor cyanobacteria proliferations
  • Water withdrawal/diversion ⬇ summer river flow and ⬆ likelihood of cyanotoxin production.



  • High variability (i.e., climate/flow) is combined with sparse density, trends may not be detectable until populations decline below critical thresholds

  • Background variation in population size and shifts in spatial distribution makes it difficult to detect effects even with years of data

  • Encroachment by riparian vegetation and trespass cultivation exacerbate local decline

  • Climate uncertainty (more extreme droughts and floods) likely to increase risk of extirpation
