Conservation & Management

Elkhorn Slough CTP | 2023-05-09

“Education, if it means anything, should not take people away from the land, but instill in them even more respect for it, because educated people are in a position to understand what is being lost. The future of the planet concerns all of us, and all of us should do what we can to protect it. As I told the foresters, and the women, you don’t need a diploma to plant a tree.

Wangari Maathai | Unbowed (2008)

Conservation Strategies

  • Removal of dams / Flow Management in RABO habitat
  • Augmentation / Translocation
  • Watershed protection
  • Stream Habitat and Nonnative Species Management
  • Watershed Scale Management
  • Population and Habitat Monitoring
  • Improve gene flow & connectivity

After dam removal
sediment grain
size was much

  • Pacific Lamprey to the rescue!

Excavation and Bioturbation

Breeding shifted upstream…but

also observed 81 clutches in lamprey redds

Eggmasses in redds benefit from:

  • ⬇︎ depth without exposure to ⬆︎ velocity
  • ⬇ mortality due to stranding

“Animals don’t go extinct because someone shoots the last one, or a bulldozer scrapes away the last habitat. They go extinct because the web of relationships that sustain them unravels…”

Jim Lichatowitch | (2013)

Dam Removal

Population increased when dam was no longer operated.
Deconstruction did not have a long-lasting impact.

Augment threatened populations

  • Cresta Reach of NF Feather
  • PG&E license boating releases
  • Surveyed by Garcia and Associates (2002-2021)
  • Historically, > 30 egg masses / yr
  • Only 4 in 2016, 2 in 2017
  • Management changed, population not recovering
  • Introduced predators (bass, crayfish)

Head starting of tadpoles

  • pilot project 2017, expanded 2018-2020
  • rescue eggs from stranding & restore gene flow by sourcing eggs from a different reach
  • w/o intervention, 1 - 4% survival to metamorphosis
  • With baskets 13.6% of cohort released as metamorphs
  • large size because food supplementation, warm temp


  • Salvaged egg masses that might strand
  • Raised to juvenile and adult stages in tanks and recirculating troughs
  • Unintended breeding in tanks

Incidental Take Permit (ITP)

  • FGC 2081(b) requires that the impact of the authorized taking shall be minimized and fully mitigated.
  • Analysis includes scope of take
    • Low (few individuals -short time period)
    • High (many individuals-extended time period

Habitat Assessment


  • Quality of habitat impacted
  • Density of RABO population
  • Value of impacted habitat to species (dispersal, lek site)
  • Distance to other suitable habitat

San Corpoforo


Temporal Loss Assessment

  • Permanent vs. Temporary
  • Duration of impacts
  • Duration of restoration

Compensatory Mitigation

Full Mitigation

  • Management actions to control predators, competitors or pathogens
  • Permanent conservation of essential habitat
  • Habitat restoration
  • Off-site creation/restoration/enhancement
  • and/or off-site acquisition and protection


  • Acquisition and protection of currently unprotected functional habitat (e.g., conservation of essential habitat areas)

  • Restoration or enhancement of areas with degraded ecosystem function

  • Creation of functional habitat

Conservation Goals

Maintain the number and the range of impacted species by:

  • creating new functional habitat, enhancing or restoring existing functional habitat, or increase function (e.g., carrying capacity) and reduce/control adverse conditions (e.g., exotic species, etc.)
  • Conserve larger, contiguous habitat areas
  • Conserve and restore habitat connectivity corridors (i.e., decreased habitat fragmentation) and maximize species distribution across its range
  • Conserve and maintain associated ecological systems (i.e., including physical factors such as topography, soil, and hydrology as well as biological factors such as forage/prey, lek sites)
  • Conserve population structures and genetics
  • Conserve unique habitat features
  • Consistency with recovery plan goals that contribute to de-listing criteria
